
High Protein German Chocolate Cake

  Dieting can be challenging. We all know that. A huge initiative of MuscleSport going into 2020 is to deliver healthy alternative recipes. These recipes will use our proteins &...

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Body Mass Index (BMI) | What Does it Even Mean?

You may notice a lot of trainers use a lot of technical and sometimes overly fancy words when they are talking to you about your health and fitness.  While this...

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The Calorie Question | Diets Deep Dark Secret

One of the most frequent questions I get from my clients is "How many calories should I be eating a day" in order to: Stay at my current weight Lose...

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Protein 101 | Everything You Need to Know

Protein supplements can be very confusing. Questions that are often asked include: When do I take them? How many grams of protein do I need? What kind do I take?...

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Warming Up Before a Workout? Who Cares!?

I am often asked how important a proper warm up and stretching session is when it comes to improving performance and what effects it can have on your workout. Let's...

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How Important is Stretching Before a Workout?

I'll be the first to admit...I strongly dislike stretching.  Dislike the time it takes, how it makes my muscles feel, and regardless of what anyone says it does not make...

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3 Principles of Exercise | Move Your Results Forward

In any exercise program, there is almost always a point where the body gets used to a given workload or intensity and starts to plateau.  You may notice you are not losing weight...

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Black Series | Our Premium Product Line

Here at MuscleSport, we’ve always tried to offer the most innovative and trusted products on the market (successfully, we might add), and we’re truly passionate about taking an ingredient, or...

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What's the Cereal Series? LeanWhey™ Upgrade

It’s difficult to make improvements when you’re already at the top of your game, but Lean Whey Revolution™ has managed to do just that. It’s already the most innovative, best...

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